Wednesday, August 19, 2009

After Jeri woke up, about noon, she ate her lunch and then felt much better and she had a really good afternoon. I also got a call from Cindy from Dr. Litton's office and gave me a report on the results of the tests on Monday; she said I could call her any time I needed information. Jeri felt so good this afternoon that she wanted to go to Kohl's to buy some things they had on sale; she will go to great lengths to use a sale. The weather is really good and the temps are in the mid-eighties. It is really nice to have the wheelchair that Patrice rented for a month; it helps my sweetheart, and it really helps me because it helps her. This post brings me up to date on the affairs of my life.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that mom is getting some energy back and is able to get out and about a bit...especially to hit a sale. hehe...that is so scary about the price of the medicine...that amount is RIDICULOUS!!! how many of those pills does she take in a day? seems that 28 won't last too long if she's taking them 3X per day...hopefully that's not the case!! glad to hear that you got dr. litton's office straightened out...what did they say about the results of the tests?
