Monday, August 24, 2009

Today was the day of the removal of the dreaded left ear. I was at the office along with Lee, Maren and Jeri. Maren was there so she could take Jeri home if she needed to leave before I was through, and Lee was there so she could take me home after I was through. Before Dr. Hansen started he said he wasn't sure how much of the ear would be gone when he was through. He had all of my family come in for the the briefing and then he invited them to leave while he did the cutting. He punched my ear with a needle so he could deaden the pain and it almost killed me.:) When he got the tissue cut off that he wanted cut off he and his tech went to do their thing, which would take about an hour and a half but, as I remember it it only took about an hour and he was back saying that he didn't get all of the tumor but was really happy with the things he saw that made him to believe that it wasn't going to be as bad as he thought it might be. So he got rid of the visitors and cut off some more and then spent the next hour or so and then came back and said he was really pleased with the results but still needed more of my ear. He did this two more times and finally had all of the tumor; and then he explained that he thought this tumor was the one that a few people, in the past few years, had tried to get rid of but was not successful. He assured me that all of the tumor was now gone but that the ear would be really tender for a while, and that statement was never clarified and how long. I had some pain when I got home and the injected stuff had worked itself out of my life but a couple of Tylenol pills did the trick of making it so it was bearable. When I go to bed in a few minutes I am going to take two Tylenol 3 pills that I am hoping will take me through the night. I think my night may be a struggle to remember to not lie on my left ear, which is the one I prefer. I am glad that thing is done and hope and pray that I don't have this much trouble with on other part of my head.


  1. I'm glad that they finally got it all, but I'm sorry for the pain. Hopefully you stayed off that ear last night while you were sleeping! I also hope they don't have that much trouble with any other part of your head! Also, thank you for the sweet birthday card! You two are so kind!

  2. My poor little gramps! I am so sorry about your ear! How rude of him to 'punch' the needle in your ear. Doesn't he know you are in pain?! I am glad that they got it all out and will hope and pray that it stops there! Hope you were able to sleep some. I was thinking about you all day yesterday (in between the kids school and gymnastics). Hope it is not too sore! Love you!

  3. happy to hear that they got all of it...sorry have been very busy and when I get a chance to call, it's way too late to ring you guys! Do you have any of your ear left? When do you have to go see him again? how are things a couple of days later with the pain for the ear? I hope things are looking up!!
