Saturday, April 3, 2010

When I arrived at the hospital Jeri was waiting to go for a walk, so a walking we went. Then we spent the rest of an hour-and-a-half waiting for the staff to get her stuff, I mean meds, together and while they were doing that we were putting our stuff together and we were out of the facility about nine thirty. When some of the staff came to say goodbye they shed some tears as did Jeri; I think she was so kind, upbeat, and undemanding that all of the them really liked her.
We were home shortly before ten and we have been opening black plastic bags and then trying to decide where every thing should go. It appears that we have twice as much stuff now as we did when she went to the hospital six months ago. Lee kept bringing things for her and she needed some things; at least that is what she said. :) I think it will take us a few days to find a place for her stuff and when we do I won't be able to remember where it is, but then I am not wearing it.
While I am writing this tome most the males of this family is at Conference, but it has been a long day for this old man.
This is the day I have been waiting for for over eight months.

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