Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Well, it is now Tuesday and Jeri is making sounds that we need to go to Target so I guess I shall have to obey.:) I got a comment that Barb Franklin is now a contact on Yahoo email. It will be really good to correspond with that family. Now it is our goal to make contact with Jerry. The weather is sunny this day but the breeze is rather chilly to say the least. Yesterday Jeri had me busy doing rug cleaning; it serves my right because I bought so much magic cleaning stuff when we were going to Yuma. It is really good stuff but I didn't think that the cleaning thing would continue into my dotage. Well this is all for now because the boss is about ready to go north to Centerville.


  1. What rugs are you cleaning? I thought they were all new!!

  2. I said rug not carpet. It is the rug that was in the big front room and is the is now in the front room.
