Sunday, July 5, 2009

For the last three days I have not been very diligent in blogging so here goes.
Friday I asked Sister Herrin, she is the Grandmother of the twins that were conjoined and separated a few years ago, to come and inform me how to do this indexing thing. she showed me what I should do and was really helpful. Since that time I have done almost 200 names, I sure hope those people are happy that she helped me so much. Jeri says that I don't do much but sit at the computer but I think that is not so.:) Jeri has not been feeling very well the last few days; I don't think it is the flu, I surely hope it isn't. On the Fourth of July we didn't do much during the day but when dusk came around we pulled up a couple of chairs out on the lawn and sidewalk to witness the fireworks out on the golf course; for a while I thought they were the pits but after we were patient they had the 'grand finally' and that part was really good, and of course we had the locals doing their thing, which was rather lame but then that is what the law allows. Today we only went to Sacrament Meeting because Jeri wasn't feeling very good; I tried to talk her into staying home but she wanted to go the church seeing that it had been a few weeks since we had been. We didn't go in Montana because of my aching body, and that is the best excuse I could think of.:) Here is hoping for a more consistant effort on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Pat Herrin was in our ward when we were in your stake. She is a wonderful person! I hope Grandma gets feeling better!!
