Thursday, July 16, 2009

I hate it when I awaken before seven a.m. but I don't know what to do about it. I had to go to Smith's to buy some bread and oatmeal mush this morning so Jeri could have breakfast. After the incidentals were taken care of we started cleaning, about ten, and we were through about noon; it takes a couple of oldies a long time to do their work. This afternoon I went to Smith's and filled the gas tank on the pickup and paid $2.42 a gallon, which is much lower than it was a couple of months ago. While I was out getting gas I decided to go and buy a new sprinkler so I could water the strip of grass on the east side of the property, and it is working really good. I also have the water on the front lawn and the water on the west side of the house; I will water the north lawn about eight tonight. It was rather warm today; it got to 100 degree's and I am not partial to that high of a temperature but that is what you get in the summertime.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, they have sure put you to work, haven't they! lol How come you are cleaning again? I thought you just did it. I told Mom the next time you clean I'll send Temaire out to do it for you! lol
