Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monday's report: June 01, 2009

I used this day to do some indexing of record of Indiana; I'm really liking this effort and it keeps off the street. And of course I spent some time on the porch, however, we were forced off the porch when a rainstorm came through with some wind; there was as much rain on the porch as there was at the beginning of the flood of Noah's day.:) That is about it for this day.


  1. I love that you write about sitting on the porch! It was one of my favorite things to do (when I had a porch). It is nice to enjoy the weather and watch what is happening in the neighhborhood. Have fun!

  2. Just so you know, I deleted my blog called "Millions of Roses". Your link on the sidebar won't work.

  3. i want to sit on the porch...I have to sit on the terrace and I hate it because the new building is getting to the point that it is blocking my view (i hate it when new construction does that...there should be a rule) :) Are you ready for Montana? Have a good trip there and be careful!
