Sunday, June 7, 2009

This is going to be an unusual post; it will include last Friday first then Saturday so pay attention!!

Saturday: June 6, 2009

Today started at a decent time and I had a really good night, you will have to read Friday's entry to understand the statement. We got ourselves ready to go to Corvallis for Jonathan's graduation program. We were rather late getting there so there were not many places to sit and I was in no condition to sit anyway but Jeri found a really good chair to sit on so I went back to the truck and made myslef comfortable and had a breif nap. We then came back to Pinesdale and went to a party that was for Jon, which was a good time for all. The rest of the day was used up with conversing with the family. It was a really good day.

Friday: I arose early and was at the car wash by eight and cleaned the outside and inside of the truck and then filled the gas tank. When I got back home I finished packing my stuff into bags, and I do mean bags; some suitcase type of bags and some plastic type of bags and Jeri was doing the same sort of stuff with her stuff.:) And then we placed the stuff in the cab of the truck and then I put a bunch of chairs in the bed of the pickup, which included ours and our offspring's chairs that will be needed in Montana for our reunion. Shortly before 3:00 pm Jeri and I headed towards the place of Chris's graduation ceremony, which was excellent and was over at five. Jeri and I hurried to the pickup and placed our selves on our seats and headed north to Montana. The trip north was very uneventful all of the way to Pocotello where we stopped to get some victuals and then we headed north again, but at this time ole man weather decided to go along with us. We made good time and stopped at Robets and got some gas, and by this time the wind was blowing at least 50MPH from the west and we were going north, which is not a good thing, however, things were rather normal until we got to Dillon Montana where we turned West, after a couple of miles I though we had been transported to South Carolina because we entered in to a cloudburst of rain that was impossible to see very far in head of us; I had to slow to about 40 MPH and the wipers were trying to do their very best work but was not doing their job very well. and we were in-and-out of downpours and regular rain until the top of Lost Trail Pass where it calmed down to a sprinkled until we were into Darby. We need to stop every 2 hours-or-so to walk and keep the circulation of the blood in Jeri's legs but the rain was a hindrance of the until we got to Jackson where we found a large canopy over a porch that fronted a saloon, which was still open and having a good time. We walked for a few minutes and then we were on our way west. We arrived at Pinesdale shortly after two and we deposited ourselves in the allotted bed, which was a good relief. It wasn't very long before I was asleep, which didn't last long. About three-thirty I needed to get out of bed so I did and in the process I got myself tangled in something and fell into the bed poster and did what felt like sever damage to my right rib cage. And of course when Jeri heard the ruckus she had a flash back to Key West and thought I had another stroke so she was out of bed quickly and was somewhat relieved that wasn't true. I tried to get back into bed but that wasn't working for me so I went into the front room and tried the lounge, which worked quiet well.

1 comment:

  1. I always get a kick out of reading your blog. Glad to hear that you guys made it to Montana safe and sound -- well, safe anyway. :) How is your rib cage doing? Do you think that you did something serious to it? Sleeping in strange places does a number on you, eh? :)
    by the way, LOVIN the word victuals...did you know that vittles is a variation of victuals - probably some southerner couldn't get all those hard connsonants to work in their mouth and eneded up with vittles. :) Have a good night and love you!
