Friday, June 12, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today was a day of much activity; we were out of bed by 6:oo am and were on the road to Alaska before seven. We stopped at Terry's office for some supplies and then we were on our way to Sand Point Idaho. I saw a lot of things and places I have never seen before, which was like eye candy, it is wonderful to see some of the handiwork of the Lord. When we arrived at our destination we met the persons Terry would spend the rest of the day with and Jeri and I were privileged to go along. They, the two guys, got in their car and we were in Terry's and we were on our way to a fabulous mountain spot these guys are developing. It will have, I think, 38 homes and it is Terry's desire that they will be Whisper Creek houses, the vistas the owners will have are splendid. As Jeri and I were oohing and awing the other three were in grossed in deep conversation. When they were through talking we were on the road again for a few hours, we were on our way to Cewelah, Washington, where they were going to see a model house that Whisper Creek makes, and this process took a few hours; it appeared to me that they were impressed with what they had heard and seen. After that was finished, the lot of us, ate a meal, the conversation, I am sure, was gladden the soul of Terry. We said our goodbyes and then on our way back to Montana. Jeri and I had a great time tagging along on this marvelous adventure. All of our family are really good and generous to, and with us.

1 comment:

  1. This is for Temaire and others who may be confused. Any time you are headed north, if you are in the western part of the USA you are headed toward Alaska.:)
