Monday, February 8, 2010

Jeri had a good day today.
She didn't eat a fried egg this morning and she didn't have that episode she had for three days. I don't know how anyone could get her to eat another fried egg.
When I got to the hospital she was in her wheelchair waiting at the door so I blew her a kiss, which brought a smile to her face and then we had a wee stroll back to her room so she would be ready for breakfast.
She had a good session during the dialysis and there was no problem. When she was through she was out into the lobby and the bus was waiting for her, which brought a smile to her face. When she got back to the facility we took another stroll and this time we stopped at a very sunny place but it was too bright so we moseyed to the aquarium to see if we could see the baby star fish, and we did for the first time. We then slowly went back to her room and tried to watch some home video but it didn't work so we watched some TV and then her dinner showed up and I fetched it for her and after she talked to the kitchen she liked it much better than what it was at first.

1 comment:

  1. So glad Grandma is feeling better. I am so glad we got to see you two. We wish we could see you more often and help out more often. Love you lots!
