Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jeri had a really good day today!
A couple of nurses asked her after she had walked over 600 feet today, using her walker of course, when she was going home; they thought that she was coming home in the next few days. However, we have decided that she would come home on the 5th of April, which will give us time to make a ramp to the front door. And will give me time to get the place in proper order so she can stand coming home.:) I am expecting help from some of the females in my family, which has already be confirmed.
The rain fell to the earth just like it thought the earth needed a drink, which of course it does, and 'they' are saying it will snow tonight or tomorrow.
It will be wonderful to have her home after eight months of being in a hospital! And no one is more excited to be home than she is, and no one more excited to have her home than I am.!!


  1. She is coming home for real on the 5th of April?! Yahoo!!! That is so wonderful for both of you!

  2. Yay! That's awesome! I'm happy for both of you, and I'm sorry for the poor person who has to build the ramp ;). I am happy to see how many good days in a row she's had!! Excellent news!

  3. Best birthday present she has had in a long time. :)
