Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Today wasn't a really good day for Jeri. She went to a doctor that thought he could make her fistula work but after several hours he told her it couldn't be done so she has to have another on installed further up her arm. As soon as she was out of his office she was on her way to dialysis and her session there was as usual; all of this wore her out and she was really tired tonight.
While her morning was going on I had a morning of my own. I had an appointment with a surgeon to remove the stitches of last week, and while he had me in his chair he proceeded removing a basil cell from my neck that was right under my left ear, and it took him two hours to do it. He is a MOHS surgeon and he was very particular in what he was doing and he told me that when a basil cell was in that area it was critical, because if some of the basil cell was left in that area it could get involved with a nerve from the face area and could cause the facial muscle to droop, so I told him to get it all, which he did. The reason I know he did is because he is a MOHS surgeon.
With all of the above it was still a productive day, and I am glad there are people that know how to help us when we need it.

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