Saturday, March 13, 2010

This is a really late post tonight! Mike and Patrice had a party for Christian because he is leaving for his mission on March the 24th. So I just got home a few minutes ago. And don't forget to set your clocks ahead and hour tonight or you will be late for church tomorrow.
Jeri didn't go with me to the party but she had a really good day today and she walked over 600 feet today. We walked outside a time or two but it rained or snowed most of the day and wasn't very warm so we were not outside very long. Jeri is really looking forward to being home, but not nearly as much as I am having her here. It will be wonderful to have her here with me.

1 comment:

  1. Cliff turned our clocks ahead but didn't tell, I turned them ahead again!!! Boy, I was ready early for church! lol
