Monday, March 1, 2010

Today was another good day for Jeri.
I was a little late getting to the hospital this morning so she had all ready had her trip pushing with her hands and feet, however, we went for a short stroll while we were waiting for her breakfast; sometimes she doesn't think it is worth waiting for.
After breakfast she put herself on the bed and rested for a while for the time to come to go to dialysis. She had a good day at dialysis except for the last minute when she had a 'charlie horse' in her right leg and foot and that is because 'they' took too much liquid off her body. We then went back to the hospital and she had a short rest and then she went walking and walked more than 200 feet. It seems to me that she is getting stronger every day.
I still think she may be home by the end of the month.


  1. We pray every day you are right!! See you tomorrow. :)

  2. I will keep the prayers glad to hear that she's getting stronger and stronger all the time.

  3. I've got my fingers crossed (and my knees bent in prayer) that she comes home soon!
