Monday, September 28, 2009

I arose about seven and puttered around for a short time and then headed for the hospital, when I got there Jeri was doing quit well, except for the noisy women in the bed next to her. I once again tried to get the hospital people to get moving and move her to a private room; they keep saying when the get a empty one she will move to the room. I think proof of the pudding is in he eating so we shall see if gets to taste the pudding, however, there is one more thing I can do to try to get them to get busy, is go to a meeting that the Social Workers have every morning to discuss these kind of things. Now that has been said I shall give a report of the day. At eleven this morning they picked up Jeri and transported her to the Dialysis place for her treatment, and she worn away three hours, which does sap her strength but if things are as they usually are she will have a good day tomorrow. while she was doing this I had the pickup serviced, and then I went to Shopco and bought some gel inserts to put in my new $75.00 shoes that Jeri insisted that I buy a month ago; they had little nobs on the innersole and they hurt my feet so I got the jell to see if I could ware them to see if they would help get rid of the callous on my left foot that has been there since we were in Florida, with Scott, for the winter of 2007. I will give a report on the success of the shoes later but they feel pretty good tonight. With this tome I shall say 'good night Gracie'; think of George Burns.

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