Saturday, September 12, 2009

This morning I arose early so I could be at Grace Olsen's funeral on time. I arrived shortly before ten and went into the viewing area and talked to the family, which was Brent, Rick and Nancy; I am not sure I would have recognized Brent and Rick if I had passed them on the street, it has been a long time since I have seen them. Rick gave a forty minute story of his mom's life. I think he has a very poor memory, or it is so good that he remembers things that I know didn't happen, and I was in a position to know what he was talking about and he couldn't have been more wrong if he had tried, but then maybe there were some things that he was told when he was really young and missed understood. Now, here is a note to my family; don't allow errors become facts in your memory and if you think you know some things that you thought were not fair to either of your parents or siblings; check with with your siblings and see if their memory is the same as yours. A lot of the members of the Rose Park 8th Ward asked why Jeri wasn't there so Lee and I told them what was going on in Jeri's life; she says that she has had a fairly good day today. The temps are in the high 80s or the low 90s today.

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