Sunday, September 27, 2009

I arose rather late and moused along and was at the hospital shortly after eight. Jeri still has her noisy room mate; hopefully Jeri will be in a private room tomorrow. She had the best day today than she has had in at least two weeks and maybe more. Yesterday she got a new PT and he used a new technique; he put a strap around her waist so he could slowly lower her to the floor if she fainted and he had her walk with the walker, which gave her more confidence and he had me follow her with the wheelchair so that if she got faint or tired and needed to rest I would put the chair up against her legs and she would sit down for a few minutes and then she would be ready to do some more walking. She walked up the hall and down the hall, which must have been almost two hundred feet; I know that doesn't sound like much but it is the most she has walked in many days. And the OP comes in every day and has her do exercises that will help her use her body to a better advantage. I am of course no doctor but that is my take on things and I'm not really sure what has happened but I will take good things no matter what it is! And she is eating better, which helps her get her strength back and we have told everyone except family that she isn't receiving visitors. Now the bad news, no I don't mean really bad but tomorrow, at noon, she is scheduled to have 3 hours of Dialysis, which will 'wipe her out' for the rest of the day but then Tuesday will be a great day once again. It was really warm here today and 'they' say it is going to be warm tomorrow but a storm is headed our way and it might bring some snow to our area. I believe that is all of the news that is news. Have a great day and please remember to keep my sweetheart in your prayers.


  1. I have discovered that the time stamp on the blog is just one hour later than in Utah, maybe that stamp is on Pacific time.:)

  2. The servers for blogger are in California so they use the time stamp on the servers themselves...:)
    Mom is alwyas in my prayers as are you! I'm glad that she had a good day today and hope that the dialysis doesn't wipe her out too badly tomorrow.
    Please pass along my love to her and know that you're constantly in my thoughts and prayers!

  3. I am so glad that she was able to walk that far! Yay!!!!! I am also glad that she is doing better and is going to get her own room. that will be nice. SNOW?! I am so jealous! We should be in the low 100' snow for us!
