Monday, September 14, 2009

Today was a very interesting day to say the least. I was at the hospital by eight and they hadn't started any of the things they were going to do to day, such as place some tubes so they could do dialysis of the kidneys and they took hours doing things I thought was not what needed to be done but I wrote that off as that was something I didn't know much about and it took them many hours to do very little in my estimation. Shortly after 3:00 I thought they were ready to start doing some thing because they had giving Jeri three units of plasma. I was very wrong; shortly after the plasma thing was over Jeri started having heart problems and her pulse would go up to 160 plus and then would drop down to 30-or-so and then it would stop beating at all for up to 9 seconds, and then 3, and then something else. Well, that got there attention and they decided that something needed to be done and quick so the called in the Med Crew, which was made up of many people and they decided that Jeri was in heart failure and needed help really fast. Jeri said "I can feel myself going, I can feel myself going, and after the other night I felt she knew what was happening and I started worrying that she might not survive this episode, so I offered a silent prayer and asked for some help for Jeri, and then the crew decided to install a temporary pace maker, which they did and it gave Jeri enough blood moving in her body to revive it until they installed a temporary pacer in her chest, which really did the job of getting her heart to work the way the Lord designed it to do. I am very optimistic that she will get over this episode without any damage.

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