Sunday, September 13, 2009

Today started very early this morning, in fact it was about two o'clock in the night when I heard Jeri get out of bed and make the trip down the hall. When she got back in bed I could tell she was having a hard time breathing and at two she called my name and said I needed to call 911, which I did. Shortly thereafter the ambulance was here and I had awakened Mike and Patrice and told them what was happening. The paramedics' put her in the ambulance and she was on her way to Murry to the Regional Medical Center, other wise know as IHC. They admitted her to the ER and run some texts and ascertained that some of her kidney functions have gone south along with some functions of her lungs, and of course it is all because of the Myeloma. They decided to admit her to the hospital and do some dialysis on her kidneys, which is a very good thing to do. About seven this morning I came home and got Jeri's meds so 'they' will know what she takes and how much and I grabbed a snack and they way I went back to Murry. It has been determined that tomorrow the kidney thing will be done and the new chemo stuff will be done in the hospital and not at the cancer place, which I think is a very good thing, and by the way they have to put in a port, my word not theirs, to do the kidney thing and they are going to put something in one of her veins for the chemo thing; I like it when they do two things at the same time, however, Jeri is somewhat concerned because she has to 'go off' the blood-thinners so she won't bleed too much. I hope 'the team' finds the silver bullet that will get rid of most of this trouble so Jeri can get back to her usual life. It is very distressing to her and of course to all of us who love her. It is very difficult to watch your sweetheart suffer and not be able to do anything except I love you! I shall post again tomorrow.


  1. I got your email and have read your blog...I hate being a gazillion miles away! I'm in manila until wednesday on business...keep us informed please.

  2. Gramps, please let grams know that she (and you, of course) are in our prayers. I am so sorry that she is having to go through this and you are having to see her do it. I hope they are able to get it all working quickly. I love you.
