Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I arose really early this morning; I had to get out of bed and close windows so I wouldn't freeze to death but then I went back to bed until about six. I wore a jacket to the hospital and it wasn't enough to keep me warm. When I got to the hospital Jeri asked me if I had brought her a coat and then my brain kicked into gear and I realized that I had made a mistake.:) When I got there Jeri was feeling pretty good and shortly after eight, that means I don't know exactly what time it was, Jeri was headed for PT (one more reminder that that means Physical Therapy) and she had a really good session and had maybe one episode of being 'light headed' for a short time. In my opinion was that she had a good session of PT. Shortly after ten we returned to her room and she prepared to go for her dialysis session; the driver picked her up about eleven and the way she went and I followed in the pickup. We arrived shortly after eleven and they had her hooked up to the machine and it was pumping away by eleven thirty. A short time after this Lee showed up and I went to Shopko and returned the socks I bought the other day but they didn't have the kind I wanted so I still need to buy a couple of pairs. When I returned to the dialysis place I didn't have much time to wait until her three hours were up. At two-thirty the three hours were complete but the van was not there to carry her back to the hospital so 'they' called for the van and it arrives shortly thereafter and she was ensconced back in her room and to her, and mine, great pleasure she didn't have very much of the nasty 'after effects' of the session, which was a really great thing.
I think she is getting stronger every day and she enjoys eating and visiting without the fatigue that she has been having, which is a very wonderful thing. Some one at the facility told us that Jeri's numbers are coming into the area where they should be, which is another good sign. Tomorrow afternoon she is going to see Dr. Titton and we will know more then than we do now, at least that is what I am prayer for. Speaking of praying it seems that is working really well so keep it up and maybe in the near future she will be back home and the road ahead will be smooth and not as rocky as it has the last few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that she is doing better and that she got a room of her own! Yay! I hope that everything goes well with the doctor tomorrow. I am so glad that you keep up on your blog and let us know how both of you are doing. Glad you liked the chocolates! lol
