Thursday, October 1, 2009

Today was a great day! Jeri did really well doing her PT session and walked one stretch of 100 feet, and she did another 100 feet with just one stop and she did really well with her OT as well.
But that is not the really good news. She had an appointment with Dr. Litton at 3:40 and we didn't have to wait very long to see him. He had a nurse take a blood sample and then he came back with the results and this is where the really good news comes in. All of the blood things, which means I don't remember exactly what they are but I do know her red blood cells are almost at the normal level and all of the others are really good. Dr. Litton said that is a good sign that the regimen against the cancer is starting to do its job. He is going to start the liquid chemo again next week so she will have to have her dialysis rather early in the morning and then go get the chemo in the afternoon; that will be a tough day but if it is doing its work it is worth the effort but that is easy for me to say. The doctor said he is going to keep the Thalidomide at the current dosage because she is tolerating it really well. This is a small report of such a BIG event that I can't wait for until tomorrow; Jeri and Lee will be able to remember every detail but that is not what I do now days. As I said before, keep the prayers going.


  1. It think it was the best day since the last of July!! :)

  2. Glad to hear that mom had a great day! It sounds like this good day has lifted your spirits as well - which makes it doubly great from my perspective! I will give you a call over the weekend and will send your "care package" for saturday pick-up. :) I love you very much and pray for you and mom both daily!
