Monday, October 26, 2009

Today started about the way I like it. Jeri had a good night and was bright eyed and bushy tailed and was ready for a dialysis treatment. I, and a couple of staff who know how to move people that are having trouble with their leg put Jeri in our pickup and and I transported her to the center and some of their staff helped her into the facility and got her ready for the treatment. They were careful to keep her blood pressure where it needs to be so she had a fairly good session. While they were doing the treatment some one got the idea that maybe she would have a better session if she had a pill that increased her blood pressure for the duration of the dialysis, which sounded good to me. Oh, by the way, we arraigned for the facility to transport her back to SDCH, which was another good idea.
Shortly before three o'clock we put Jeri in Jayci's car and we were on our way to Dr. Litton's office for a chemo session but when Ann, a PA-C, got all of the information about Jeri's legs she talked to Dr. Litton and he decided that maybe it would be better to go to some other regimen that is not as invasive as the one she is on know. And, by the way, it was Jeri's Idea.
And we know she is not coming home until the first of November; I am not going to fight it because I think that is what she wants to do. We did come to the conclusion that she needs a bigger wheelchair so I am going back to the place we got it and see if I can get a bigger one. I believe that she was better today than she has been for a few days.

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