Wednesday, October 7, 2009

WOW what a day this was. When I arrived at the hospital shortly after 8:00 am Jeri was sitting in the wheelchair eating her breakfast. When she was through with that I helped her change into her 'going to PT' clothes and then we waited for a few minutes for the therapist to come and get her for her therapy; she had a great session even though it was only a half-hour long she did all of her regimen. (On Monday, Wednesday and Friday she has short sessions because she has to go to dialysis.) We waited for a few minutes for her driver to come and wheel her to the van and then away she went to dialysis; now comes the really great part of the day. She was on the machine for three hours and when she was through it was as if she had spent that time on her bed. And the rest of the day was spectacular. I think this is the best day she has had in a very long time, and another good thing she has another session of therapy tomorrow morning and then right after lunch, we are on our way to the Cancer Center, for another chemo session and these only take an hour or so. I say once again that our prayers seem to be helping her recovery.

1 comment:

  1. Dad, this is fantastic news. I know that I keep promising to call, but I keep falling asleep before time to call her. I will call on the weekend for sure! Please pass along my love to her and know that I love you both and you both are always in my thoughts and in my prayers
