Sunday, October 18, 2009

I was rather late getting out of bed this morning but I was on my way to SDCH shortly after eight, and I had written a check for the bishop and stuffed it into Mike's car door so he could give it to the bishop. When I got there I awoke Jeri, however, it appeared to me that she was getting ready to get up. When I asked her how her night was she said she had some pain; I'm going to ask the doctor what is causing the pain the next time we go for chemo but that will be next week. Starting tomorrow it is back on the three days a week on the dialysis machine from noon until three o'clock; I hope it is as good as it was last week. This coming Thursday she gets her pace maker checked. I think she will think that this week is surly not as hectic as it is when she has her chemo sessions. This afternoon Jeri asked me to have a piece of paper affixed to her door informing everyone that she doesn't want visitors after seven o'clock. It is interesting to me that people can't figure it out for themselves but everybody is not as astute as some of us are.:)
After Jeri had some Lortab this afternoon she was feeling much better and was resting better also and she was watching football; she surely likes sporting events. Lorene called me tonight and I answered the phone by saying 'Joe's Pool hall, Joe speaking," and she was very confused about who she was talking to; it took me a few minutes to convince her that it was I that she was talking to so I shall be careful in the future how I answer the phone. I told her that Jeri has her bad days and her good days but I think she is gradually getting better. With that said I ask for your continued payers in her behalf.

1 comment:

  1. so sorry to hear that mom is in pain at times. I hope that they can take care of that so that it goes away rather quickly. who is going there after 7pm? is supposed to be preparing for sleeping at that time of day :)
