Saturday, October 17, 2009

I kind of arose not so early today; it was about seven, which seems late to me. I got to the SDCH about eight-thirty and Jeri was eating breakfast, which didn't look to appetizing to me but she has to eat what the give her. She didn't sleep very well last night because of pain in her back and hips but later in the morning they gave her some Lortab, which helps a lot. She didn't have any therapy today; I guess she has met the time that is allotted for this week. Berdeanna (I know that most of you don't know her, and that is a good thing for you) left the house today after she had used all of the time that her insurance would pay for; she surly hated to leave. We went for a walk shortly after noon and we went outside for a moment and Jeri was complaining about how cold it was so I wheeled her back inside the house. After she had her lunch she had a Lortab and then she had a fairly good nap.
About four o'clock she started asking me if I didn't want to go home and rest; I was surprised at her worries of my comfort but then I discovered it was time for BYU to play San Diego so I set everything so she could watch the football game and then being very obedient I wended my way home:) and I was the only one there. So I did just what I wanted to.
I think Jeri would describe today as a somewhat good day but not as good as some have been.

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