Thursday, October 22, 2009

I was awake very early this morning; I was showering before five-thirty, I think it might be against the law to be showering at that time. When I was through getting clean I worked on printing my blog. I arrived at the hospital shortly before eight thirty and was settled down to help Jeri do some therapy but her feet and the lower part of her legs were numb so she canceled her therapy, which I thought that the PT thought she was not as bad as she said she was; boy that is a lot of words that start with an s!
Shortly after noon I called Dr. Litton's office and talked to one of his staff and explained about Jeri's feet and legs being numb and that she was having a lot of pain in her left hip and leg and asked her what might be the cause and what could be done to correct the problem. Lee came to the Hospital shortly after noon and shortly after one we were on our way to Intermountian Medical Center so Jeri's heart doctor could check the pace maker to see if it was functioning as it should and sure enough he proceeded to proclaim he had done a really good job, well maybe it was me that said he did a really good job; she has to go back to have it checked again in April, which is a GREAT month.:) Oh, by the way, President Eyring and his wife came into the waiting room while we were waiting; it is great to be in the presence of a Prophet.
On our way back to the hospital Dr. Litton's triage nurse called me and told me that the chemo they are using is probably the thing that is wrecking havoc with Jeri's legs, and then said they would probably make some changes next Monday when they start the two week regimen, which made Jeri rather happy as it did the nurses and PTs that are helping her at SDCH.
When I left SDCH I was glad I had called Dr. Litton's office about Jeri's legs.
I am hopeful that Jeri will come home on November 1st.

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