Friday, October 23, 2009

Today was a very interesting day; I awoke around six this morning and I was up and going shortly thereafter and was at the hospital shortly before eight-thirty. Jeri was up and eating her breakfast, which looked ok to me.
About nine-thirty a lady from the business office at SDCH came into Jeri's room and said that the insurance company thought she could get the same results if she went home, this coming Monday, and had home care come and help her at home, which I didn't agree with, I suggested that she wasn't in good enough condition to go home just yet but maybe about the first of November. She said she would talk to the insurance people and let me know what they said this afternoon but we didn't see hide nor hair of her.
Jeri had a pretty good day during her dialysis; they decided not to take too much liquid off her body so her blood pressure was good for the three hours she was hooked up to the machine. However, when she was walking out of the dialysis center she had to use the restroom so Lee helped her, after she was in the rest room Lee called for help because Jeri couldn't get off the toilet and fell to the floor and hit her back and head on something hard so I hustled into the restroom and we tried to lift Jeri onto the wheelchair but we pitiful things couldn't get the job done so we had to call for some strong young people that were there. When we got back to SDCH we talked to the staff members and asked if they could help Jeri finish the project she started as she was leaving the center. The staff got some young strong people to help and they worked with Jeri and they helped her walk into the restroom. I told Jeri if that had happened at home I would have called 911 and had her taken to IMC's ER for help; I bet the insurance company wouldn't have thought that was a good decision. The staff that looks after my sweetheart was very kind and helpful toward Jeri, which is exactly what she deserves. By the time I came home she was feeling better but the people that are in charge of things shouldn't be in Ivory Towers making decisions with out listening to those who have some knowledge of what is going on.
Oh, by the way, the Charge Nurse looked up the side effects of Velcade and Thalidomide and both of the time can cause weakness in the feet and legs, so Dr. Litton's crew has to come up with some new stuff to do.
When I left, Jeri seemed to be in good spirits and feeling ok.

1 comment:

  1. Dad, I'm glad to hear she is doing better. That was the most awful thing not be able to help her when she needed me. It felt like it would be such an easy thing to do...but, I couldn't do it. I should have been lifting weights with Jayci all these years. ;) Hope she has a night without pain and that you sleep well, too. I love you!
