Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Today was a really good day for Jeri. She went to PT about nine-thirty and had a great session. She did all of the things 'they' asked for, including walking up and down long hallways, and walking sideways and doing the things she does with the weights on her arms and legs. She also did the OT they asked for and after an hour and five minutes, they decided she had done her time; and the time depends on whether 'they' get paid or not so you know she does her time. Oh, they had her do a new thing today called the bridge; this is when you lie on your back and with your knees bent you arch your belly toward the sky, which is a strain on some muscles that have not had much use lately. When we got back to her room she rested for a while and then Judd came and visited for an hour or so, and then I decided that I needed to eat so I went to a hamburger joint and had a sandwich and a root beer. When I got back she was wide awake and bushy tailed and Lee was there visiting with her. Later in the day Mike came by and visited with her and then Terry and Joan came to visit, and all of this didn't seem to have any bad effects on her at all. In fact I think she had a great time with all of the visitors and of course she was glad to have me there all day to wait on her 'hand-foot-and finger.:) It was wonderful to see her so perky and enjoying every thing that was going on; may it be so always. Now with all of this said it is time to keep those prayers going up to Heaven, and pray that she will be perky after the dialysis tomorrow. If I put anything on these post that you might not know what I am talking about just go to the comment area and ask and I shall explain what I am talking about.

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