Sunday, May 10, 2009

Another Sabbath day has almost slipped into history, however, this day is not like most of the rest of the Sabbath days of the year, this was the day we gave thanks to our mothers, living and dead. My mother was a really great mom and I loved her very much; she was always kind to my friends and they liked to come to our home, she was into discipline when she thought it was necessary and she thought it was necessary whenever I did some thing wrong, which was very infrequent.:) The next person to mention is the mother of my children; she was the best mother any child could ever have. She filled the gap that their father left. The other mothers I want to praise are the mothers of my grand, and great grand children.

Jeri and I went to church in Rose Park today; all of the heathens in Bountiful sluffed some of their meetings.:( After church was over we went to Lee's and Cliff's for dinner along with Cliff and Doris Higbee, the meal was wonderful and the company was also more than adequate. About seven pm we came home and had some very good brownies with hot fudge topping and strawberries that Mike and Patrice left for us.

On the way home, Scott called his mom, and they chatted for a while, it is really good when we get to talk to him in person and it is good to get emails from all of the kids, plus Jeri converses with the kids and grans on facebook, which she really enjoys.

Now back to church in Rose Park; it is always wonderful to be with old friends and to be updated with what is going on in their lives. I saw and talked to a couple of young men that I thought a couple of years ago and they are now 16 and very handsome. We saw Norma Philbrick and she was sporting her new wig; she lost her hair do to radiation, and she looked really good. She told us the Bob is not feeling well and can't get off the feeding tube, which is though on both of them. I hope that I don't live long enough to have such poor health, both physically or mentally that I can't take of most of the things I need. Oh, I know that some of my offspring the time has come and past a long time ago.

I shall say adios for now and talk to you later.

1 comment:

  1. You are right about your mom, wife and kids. They are all awesome! I have such great memories of great grandma and of course I could never have had a better grams or mom! :) Glad you had a good day.
