Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today was a typical day for Wednesday. We got outa bed and ate some viands and then we moseyed on over to the Humanitarian Center and did our two hours of labor. Jeri did what she always does and I folded towels like I did last week and then I took tooth past out of their individual box and put tube of paste in a plastic container, and then I started putting tooth bushes, in groups of four and inserted them into a small plastic bag. For the last 20 minutes-or-so Jeri helped me finish the job. We filled 100 bags, which means we bagged 400 brushes. We then come home and do what we do best and we did on the porch. Before we went to the Center I firmed up going on a jaunt, with Bob Carling, out to Rush Valley to visit our ole pal, Dick Davis. We are going out Friday afternoon; the Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise. It was a really good day for me.


  1. where did you come up with viands? i want you to know that I had to google it to find out what it was...the first time I read it a few days ago I thought you were trying to say vitamins and kinda had a bit of a stroke experience...who knew it was a proper word (well, besides you!)? :)

  2. Okay, I thought you meant vitamins as well. what are they? I don't have time to google it. I have to go to Mexico for you! :)

  3. Does every word that starts with vi make you think of vitamins? I LOVE it when I make my offspring go to the dictionary!!lol

  4. viands: articles of food, choice dishes, provisions, commissariat: a stock or supply of foods. :)

  5. Who said I went to the dictionary?! lol
