Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This morning I slept in until six-thirty and then I read the newspaper and prepared Jeri her usual breakfast, which is a sliced orange and some toasted homemade bread with butter and honey on it. Early in the morning I got a call from Entran and they informed me that not only the oil pan needed a gasket so did the valve lifter cover so I told them to fix it and I asked the manager if it was going to fixed today and his reply was rather vague. However, I made a decision that it would be fixed tomorrow. Jeri had the RSVT (Relief Society Visiting Teachers) came a calling, however, one of them had a coughing fit and had to go home early so Jeri and I decided to sit out on the porch. About three I was convinced that it would surely tomorrow, however, I got a phone call telling the pickup was ready to go so I asked Chris if he would take me to Murray to retrieve the vehicle. I payed the $362 and some cents, then we were on our way to Catherine Street to return the Higbee's car, and thanking them for the us of their car it seems that everything is as it should be and I saved over $300.00 because Jeri suggest that I call Noe Garrido.

Monday May 25, 2009

Memorial Day and may we all remember those who have sacrificed their all for our benefit. To celebrate this day we used up a lot of time on the porch and looking at the flowers that we planted by the mailbox post. Shortly after lunch we moseyed on out to Jaycie's to give her some books that Jeri has be saving for her, after a brief stay we were on our way to the Higbees' to visit for awhile, and lo and behold Chris and Karen were there so we visited with the four of them for and a considerable amount of time, and talked about all of the troubles that come into peoples lives. When Chris and Karen left Cliff drove his car out to Entran so I could drop off the pickup and then they let us borrow their car until the pickup has been repaired. It was a very eventful day for me and I like these kind of days.

1 comment:

  1. That is great that you saved that money! He is a great man (speaking from the same kind of experience...although mine was in the thousands....sigh).
