Thursday, May 7, 2009

This morning was rather uneventful, however, shortly before noon we went to the hospital for Jeri to have a blood draw for her INR test. After that was finished we went to the temple and did some initiatory work, which took about an hour and a half. We then came home and watered the plants and other sundry foliage. The weather is still bodacious, that is just to annoy Temaire'.:) It is 65 degrees as I write this epistle, which is just the way I like it. I will publish Jeri's INR in the comments section.


  1. Here is the update of Jeri's INR; it is 2.0, which is much better than 3.6. I am hopeful that it will be close to 2.5.

  2. She's like a roller coaster...up & down!! Hope things are going well for you both! (I think it is cold!!) See you Sunday!

  3. i feel badly that mom has such troubles keeping in the INR zone. Such a pain to have to go weekly.
