Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I was up rather early and was at IMC to see how my loved one was doing that early in the morning and she was doing very well and had a good night. About mid morning the dialysis person came in and started the removing of water from her body. Shortly thereafter I went to Dr. Child's, he is my Urologist, when he was through he said the only way you could be better you would have to 30, which made my day, and I was there less than a half-hour, which is a miracle in and of its self. On my way back to IMC I got a phone call from SDCH telling me that when Jeri is released from IMC they have to do some paper work so they could get back in the system; I told her I thought there was an 80% chance she would be there today and if not that a 100% chance it would be tomorrow, which would be Thursday.
When I got back to IMC I was told it looked like she would be going back to SDCH today, and that makes me a prognosticator.
While they were doing the dialysis they found some evidence of something may be effecting the dialysis port so they did what needed to be done, and they called the Bountiful facility to tell them them to be sure and take care of it when she goes back, however, they were profuse in their verbiage that there wasn't anything to be concerned about so I leaned back and read some more of the newspaper. As an aside, it is really good that I have a newspaper to take with me every morning so I have something to do while Jeri does all of the work. :)
About two we got the news that they were going to transport Jeri back to Bountiful and then Rob came in the bus and away they went back to Bountiful. I gathered all of the stuff that needed to go with us and I then went down the nine stories to get to the ground level. When I went past the bus Jeri had Rob ask me if I had the Thalidomide and of course I had forgotten so I had to go back up those nine stories and get what I had forgotten, and as I was getting off the elevator when I got back to the first floor I could hear a voice saying "come and get me I am a new flavor of Cookie dough," so I moysed down to the cafeteria and went to the ice cream station and sure enough there it was so I bowed to its enticement and bought a bowl full and it was really good.
When I got back to Bountiful Jeri was in conched in her room and shortly after I got there a PT came in to assess her strength and found that she is some what better than when she left.
I stayed for a short time to make sure she was settled in and then I give her a kiss and hug and bid my adieu. I think it was a good day.

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