Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Well, today was a day of much activity, when I arrived at the SDCH Jeri asked me to go back home and get two of her sweatshirts so the way I go. When I pulled up to the curb, at the facility, my phone rang so I answered it and I could hear Jeri yelling "Jay call 911, call 911" so I called 911 and instructed them to room 117 and I then went into the facility and her room where I heard Jeri saying she couldn't breath and there was something wrong with her heart and the nurses arguing about whether she should go to IMC or not; one nurse was saying that it was just an anxiety attack, which really upset Jeri and she said it is not just an anxiety attack. At this time I told the nurse that she was going to IMC because she has always been right when she said something was wrong. By this time the EMT were there and when they heard me say this they put her in the ambulance and the way they went. And I fallowed right behind but they beat me there and had her in the ER and into a room, and the next several hours 'they' were doing a lot of tests on her heart, lungs and other important parts of her body. I did hear the heart word once or twice but I didn't get just what it was all about; that is what happens when your ears are 77 years old and one of those ears is only an eighth of the size it ought to be. They finally said they were going to admit her to the hospital and she was going to go to floor nine, which is the cancer floor. And would be there a day or two, and I don't know what exactly that means; if it were I that said it I would be a couple of days I would know what they said, oh, by the way, they did say it could be a couple of days.
When she arrived on the 9th floor she saw a lot of the staff that was there when she was there and they had a good few minutes saying nice things about each other. :)
When I left she said; "I am going to lick this thing and get back to normal!" She looked better than I have seen her for several days, and that may be because I told her that I talked to Jessica and the the new dosage of the Thalidomide will be here in a few days; she and the doctor thinks this will help get her legs and feet, as well, as her arms and hands back to normal; I pray that it might be so.
Today I saw the frisky and strong person that that I love become somewhat more determined to get back to normal.
Oh, by the way, I had an opportunity to get one of those wonderful Pastrami sandwiches that I used to get when Jeri was there a few months ago. :)

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