Wednesday, November 11, 2009

On behalf of Jeri I thank all of you that have sent cards or other things that encourage her, she really appreciate the thoughts and the effort you have gone to.
This morning was another good day of therapy; she is getting her energy back and can stand by herself but of cause she uses a walker. Today she walked well over sixty feet, which is getting better every day. However, it is Wednesday so the dialysis session kind of wipes that away and it takes a few hours to get back to where she was this morning.
I am impressed by the staff at SDCH and at Liberty Dialysis. They are kind, thoughtful, and concerned about what is going on with Jeri. It seems that every dialysis day 'they' take off too much water, which causes her to have cramps in her legs and when that happens they do everything that they can do to alleviate that problem. The therapy people like me involved because I follow with the wheelchair so Jeri can sit when she gets tired; if I am not there they would have to have someone of the staff be doing that work.
The temperature was rather good this morning and the sky was clear but this afternoon the clouds rolled in and it looks like it may rain tonight, and 'they' say it may snow tomorrow evening but I hope 'they' are wrong once again.
It is time to complete this blog and say thanks to all who care what is going on in our lives.

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