Thursday, January 21, 2010

I do not have the vocabulary to describe how good Jeri's day was today.
Ever since Danny tweaked Jeri's pace maker the other day she has not had a dizzy spell or a blackout. Today she had to go to ICM to deliver a specimen for her oncologist to run some tests and also a blood draw was taken so her blood can be analyzed so that he can tell her how the Myeloma is doing, and of course our wishes are that it will still be in remission. After we did those two things she went to Dr. Whitten to see how the fistula is healing and he said it was doing just fine and come back in six weeks for another exam.
She had to sit in her wheelchair for a very long time and it didn't seem to affect her at all, which is a very new thing and when we came back to the facility we passed the therapy room and Trisha was there so Jeri asked if she could do some walking, and of course Trisha said yes and Jeri had a marvelous walk and only had to have one rest, which is a first for a very long time.
I asked Jeri how she was feeling and she said with a quiver in her voice, "this is the best I have felt in many months", which warmed the cockles of my heart and when I left just shortly before six she was still talking to the nurses about what a great day she had and how good she was feeling. And of course, one of the things that was making her so happy, was the meal that she got at Taco Time! :)
My prayer is that this is just a start of her recovery and will be home in a short time.


  1. YAY such great news. Love you Grandpa we will keep praying that Grandma gets to go home SOON!


  2. I am sooooo glad that she is doing so well! I will continue to add my prayers with Tisha that she comes home soon! :)
