Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jeri had a good day today. When I arrived at the hospital she was up and ready to take on the day so we did.
After she had partook of her breakfast she was ready for a stroll around the facility so away we went. As we were going down the hall one of the therapy people was coming down the to see if Jeri was ready for a walking session and she said yes, however, that wasn't our intent when we left the room. She went in and had a good walking session and then we finished our stroll and then we went to her room and she got ready for her dialysis session. She put herself on her bed and rested for about an hour and then she was on her way to Liberty Dialysis for three hours and she had a good session, at least that was my impression.
While she was having her blood cleaned I went to Costco; I had to go to the main desk and get me a new card because I couldn't find mine and it took me about 4 minutes and no money (at that time), and then I was looking for the things I was sent to buy, which was, some raspberries, shrimp, and then I bought some binders for my journals, and I got some peanut butter and some red raspberry jam. I then took the stuff I bought home, and then washed the pickup. I returned to the dialysis facility and sort of conversed with Jeri until she was though with the session.
We then returned to SDCH and as she usually does she embraced her bed and rested for awhile. While she was resting Christian came to visit with her for a while, he is very good about coming to see his grandmother.

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