Monday, January 25, 2010

I stayed in bed all Saturday night and all day Sunday and all night Sunday night; when I awoke this morning it was all I could do was get out of bed. It felt like all of my muscles were frozen in position but when I got up and moved around for a few minutes and then I was doing well. Lee was with Jeri most of the day and she reported that Jeri had a good day and the dialysis worked well.
I am sure that I will be at the facility tomorrow morning; I have been taking Amoxicillin for a few days so I should not be contagious. It is time for me to be back with my beloved. It was a pleasant day weather wise today, and I hope it continues. I hate it when I can't do what I want to do!!


  1. Well, Dad, I'm glad you stayed home. You sounded a lot better tonight. I'll see you tomorrow (either at Mom's or at your's lol).

  2. I'm glad you'll be with her again. I think you both do better when you're together. :)
