Saturday, December 5, 2009

Another day of Winter and I think it is way too early for all this cold weather and it snowed an inch or so, which means I didn't measure it.
Jeri had a good day except she sent me on an errand and of course I got everything wrong; I can't remember all of the things she tells me, even if she gives me a list, which she did but I shall get it right the next time.
She missed therapy today because they give her a really good sandwich for lunch that had a great sauce to put on it, and it was really 'rich' and it made Jeri a trifle sick for awhile and she missed her walking but Bob will make her make-it-up tomorrow. We went for a jaunt around the facility but Jeri wouldn't have anything to do with going outside, which was OK with me.
Tomorrow is our clam chowder party, which I started many years ago but I haven't done it for a long time and other people in the family has done it; Jayci does it now and she does a really good party. Oh, by the way this was the day that all of the Higbee girls go shopping, it is such a big deal that most of them have lost all of their willpower. I am not sure of that last statement because they never let me go.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, it IS cold!! We had fun shopping, though. See you tomorrow. :)
