Sunday, December 6, 2009

I just got home from the hospital; we, meaning the Warner families had our clam chowder party at Jayci's place, we have been having this party for over 25 years. We started in our home and invited all of the off spring and other relatives that we thought might have an interest in coming but no one but our family came, having it on Christmas Eve probably had something to do with who wanted to come on that day of the year so we changed it because every one wanted to be home on Christmas Eve and when we went to South Carolina on our mission other members of the family hosted the party and then it kind of rested on Jayci, and she does a really great party.
Jeri had a good day of therapy today; she had some OT and then during the PT session she walked over 200 feet, which is the most she has done in a day for a very long time. May she continue to improve every day!
When I awoke this morning I looked out of the blinds and could see snow on the road and the lawn and I wasn't too happy about that, however, sometime around 5:00 am I heard the snowplows going up and down the street. It turned out to be that they were putting salt and the roads because it wasn't deep enough to plow; it was just a skiff on the lawns and roads, which is just great for me and of course it was really cold and stayed that way all day.


  1. I am glad that the weather was good enough for you to come, and I am glad I was there too! :) Love both of you.

  2. 40 years of Clam Chowder....times flies when you're having fun! lol
