Monday, December 28, 2009

It was really cold this morning and there was frost on the windshield that took several minutes do melt, and the forecast is for snow on Wednesday but then you already know this stuff if you watch or listen to the news.
Jeri had a really good morning, she walked over 400 feet once again with only a couple of very short rests and then she finished off over an hour doing other things for her therapy.
However, she didn't have a good day at dialysis, they tried to take more fluid than she could tolerate and she got cramps in her legs, which has an effect that lasts several hours. It is my hope that she will be bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow morning.
Last week I got a call from Center Collision Repaire telling me that my pickup would be finished on the 28th, which is today so I drive out to their place and I am told by a snippy young woman that just because they say it will be done in a week doen't mean a certain day, and I informed her with some sarcasm that they didn't say a week they said on the 28th. When things were all said and done the facts are that it might be done this coming Thursday but I shouldn't come to get it unless I call and they tell me it is ready. Up to this point I had a great regard for Gieco but am not some impressed now.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Mom had a rough time after I left. I'll see you tomorrow around 11:30. Have a good night. :)
