Thursday, December 31, 2009

Here is some history. Ten years ago tonight when the world was worried about Y2K problems, Jeri and I were out in the desert at Quartsite Arizona. We watched the moon come up over the East mountains and had the satellite dish connected and we were watching all of the 'goings on' around the world. Much to our delight it was a wonderful warm night and not many people where we were so we drove through the town and it was really placid, there were no cars on the road and it seemed to me that most people were cooped up afraid of the great catastrophe. I had the generator running and had the computer turned on and lo and behold things went along just as they had and we had great night in the Arizona desert.
Now back to current events. Jeri had a fairly good therapy session today; she told a pharmacist that she thought that they were giving her to much blood pressure medicine so they decided that she would refuse the pill before she goes to bed and it seemed to work pretty well. Jeri is not one to just lie in bed and not be aware of what she is taking and why.
Most of the day was spent strolling around the facility saying Happy New Year to all of the people she knows and she knows a grundle.
This morning there was no new snow, well maybe a flake or two, but not enough to count. I kind of took my time getting to the facility because I knew today is shower day and got there just as her helpers opened the door, now I think that is good timing.
My wish is that all of you who read this don't do anything foolish tonight and that you have a wonderful year during 2010.

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