Monday, December 7, 2009

When I awoke and got myself out of bed I discovered it had snowed during the night and the air was really cold. I got my self ready for the day and headed for SDCH but I stopped at Dick's and bought a bar of Dove soap for Jeri's delicate skin. When I walked into her room she asked why I was there so early and I told her it was my job to be there and help her. She didn't feel really good this morning, and I don't know why, so she didn't do and therapy; she rested until they came and got her for the dialysis session and the way we went, she rode in the bus and I went in the pickup. She had a pretty good session and Lee and Temaire were there with me and we spent the next three hours talking and it seemed the Jeri was having a good day.
This evening she was feeling better than she had all day so I am looking forward to a good day tomorrow, however, she still doesn't like the food they fix for her, as I was leaving the facility she was asking for someone to call the kitchen and order her a bowl of soup, for some reason she really likes soup.
I am praying for a super day tomorrow.
Oh, by the way, it snowed a lot in Southern Utah today and it is headed toward the Heart of Zion and should be here sometime in the night or early tomorrow morning. I know we have to have snow but that doesn't mean that I like driving and walking in it, particularly when I have to wear sandals; for you who don't know why I shall tell you. Three years ago when we were in Florida with Scott I got a callus on my left foot and it has been there ever since. It looks like I will have to have it cut out of my foot but I am going to wait until Jeri feels better.

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