Monday, December 14, 2009

When I looked out of my bedroom window this morning I saw streets that didn't have any snow on them or the sidewalks, so I relaxed and took my time getting ready for the day.
I fetched the newspaper and then put myself into my vehicle and went to the hospital and Jeri was waiting for her breakfast, which is never a surprise; it is always eggs, toast some kind of juice and maybe sometimes some fruit but not often, however, this morning was not that bad if you like eggs every day.
At nine we went to the therapy room and Jeri did some walking, I think she is getting stronger every day, after that regime was complete she had a very short rest and off we went to dialysis, I arrived shortly after I left but Jeri arrived at least an hour later; she shares the bus with two other women and they are never ready to go when it is time. The session was good and they did that thing that they do and then after three hours we were on our way back to the hospital and I had to really hurry because the driver took Jeri 'home' first and then went back for the other two, which made Jeri wait for about ten minutes until I could help her back on the bed, even though she gets a lot of benefit from the dialysis it takes her a few hours to recuperate.
I stayed until it was dark and then she kicked me out and told me to go home so here I am writing this tome.
Oh, by the way, it was rather warm today and really melted a lot of snow off the ground, however, we are getting a good amount in the mountains.

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