Tuesday, April 7, 2009

As you probably know it is now Tuesday and it is time to bring you up to date on the 'old' Warners' in Bountiful. Yesterday I was reflecting, as I was doing the dishes, that I am surrounded by two sick people and one working and one playing tennis, and I was getting dishpan hands.:) It seems to appear that Jeri is getting, very slowly, better but that is by a person that doesn't have a clue. I used up some time yesterday preparing my talk for Sunday, as did Jeri. Lee came out to see us a day or two ago and worked on Jeri's computer and after that it didn't work, and that is a problem for the new Queen of Face book.lol I think she may have arose early, or even during the night, if she could have been able to get her computer to work. I arose at seven and started on the computer and viola I fixed it; who would ever have thought I could do that? Today is a very bodacious day; as I am writing this and the forecast for the 70s this afternoon and it is about time!

1 comment:

  1. Many mea culpas....Please forgive me. I'm not sure what I did, but I know I did something! lol
