Sunday, April 19, 2009

Now it is time to say some things about Sunday. Church was good, a returned missionary spoke and then was followed by a High Councilor. Sunday School was good and Priesthood was excellent; Bob Kime was the teacher today and he is especially good in teaching about Joseph Smith; some may be surprised by this remark but I have decided it is my obligation to forgive if I want to be forgiven for what I have done that may have offended someone. This afternoon we went Home Teaching, we only have one family that I go to; Del Mar Pease does the other families over the back fence and calls that good, which is OK with me if it is OK with the High Priest leaders. The weather is bodacious, in the mid-sixties; Mike turned off the furnace yesterday so we now have too rely on Ole Sol, which is just hunky dory for Jeri.


  1. how rude of mike to turn off your source of heat...i guess you can be grateful that he doesn't turn on the air conditioner this early in the year. I'm glad to hear that mom is feeling a bit better...there is a quick remedy to the great flour shortage of 2009...smiths and dicks are both very near. :))

  2. Can't he go back and forth from A/C and furnace. This time of year, I can use both! lol Wes Dearden got home and looks just the same. Coral Coffey had her knee replaced as did someone other lady that I can't remember! :( We had High Council and it was nice. Cliff and I were announced as the Stake Employment Specialists. Only Ward ones are sustained. Don't you find that interesting? We aren't even set apart...only the ward one. I said that it proves which one is the most important! We are going to go to the gardener on Wednesday at noon, if that works for you. Thanks for helping us out.

  3. Hey, Dad...I meant Tuesday not Wednesday. Is that ok?
