Monday, April 20, 2009

Here it is almost the end of another day. I thought Scott was so eloquent in is explanation of how to get some bread flour in 2009 I went to Smith's and bought 3 bags full, however, they were really small bags so I will go to Dick's next time. Mike said he about turned the furnace back on last night because it was so cold but Jeri and I had the bedroom window open all night, and believe it or not it was just right for me. Oh, I did use some of the flour and made a loaf of bread and it looks good but we haven't had any yet; that will take place tomorrow morning and I expect it will be excellent like all of rest have been. Lee and Cliff are going to 'do' their yard with the yearly spring things tomorrow and they are going to us our pickup to haul all of the vegetation. The temperature has been in the 60s all day and is now in the 70s, which is just right for me. Lee told us today that Betty Mortensen (she is Joe Lubbers sister) had surgery and lives on Sonota Dr. we hope she is ok. Some of our friends in Rose Park are really getting old but are not as old as the people in our ward in Bountiful. As I am writing this tome Jeri is watching TV so she isn't bothering me.:) I think this is a good summary of today, so far, but if anything new happens you shall know about it tomorrow.

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