Thursday, April 23, 2009

It is still Thursday and it is still really warm; it got into the 80s and tomorrow it is going to be in the 22s for the low temperature. We went to the local hospital so Jeri could give some blood and her INR is 3.5, which is better than the 3.8 of last week. After the blood thing we went shopping for flowers for the front yard and then Jeri worked to hard; she thinks I can't do things like they aught to be done but it didn't take too long for her to decide she would let me do what needed to be done. It took us until 5:30 to get them all planted just like they should be. My next project is to see if there is a way I can print these daily reports so I can use them as a journal. If anyone knows if and how this can be done I would like that information. I'll talk to you tomorrow.


  1. I bet you guys are pooped!! Take it easy for a while. CALL Temaire on the phone and ask her how to get them printed. She told me she knows how to get it done. Have a good night. :)

  2.;; Those will print out your blog. If you go to or, you can print out a book. You put the layout together and enter the information and text, and they'll print it and bind it into a book. Or, if you have an Apple computer, you can use iPhoto and make a book from there.
