Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009.

Church was really good today. There are several, which means I don't really how many, families of Chamberlain's' and one of those couples, who are really old; they must be as old as I am, spoke in Sacrament Meeting. They did a really good job but they did something I have never seen before; the man spoke first and took up all of the time except a few minutes. He left just enough time for a youth speaker to talk, who did a really excellent job and then a family sang a very short song and then his wife spoke about ten minutes and ended just on time. I come to the conclusion that he and she knew that he would take all of the time and she only wanted a few minutes. In his talk he stated that his mother's family were of the Carling line and had been sent to Filmore very early in the settlement of Millard County so I have wondered if his family had integrated into some of my relatives. I shall talk to him in the next few days. Mike did a very good job in teaching the SS lesson; he is always very prepared and has a great talent giving the information that is in the lesson plan, and Priesthood Meeting was also excellent. Now, how do you beat that?

After church we ate a snack and then waited until about five and then the Farrs' and the Judd Warners' showed up and we had a great meal, which capped off a got Sabbath day.

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